11/13/2013 04:15:37 am

Hi Emma: You seem to be making some very meaningful connections to escape by using "resistance" [in a figurative sense] and asking students to identify a safe place/space. I would make this connection very clear by modifying your Essential Questions to reflect this deep thinking (see those provided on Course Outline as a guide). I would also adapt the summative assessment to reflect those changes. The assessment could address their thinking instead of their technique and skills. How will you integrate literacy and science? Be specific. Finally, how does Warhol's Pop Art address escape? I love that you're including VTS. : )

11/28/2013 12:48:49 am

Emma, your post is outstanding for a variety of reasons. First, I love that you made connections to the learning that transpired in 4240. I also appreciate your reflections on the app. Good teachers are constantly thinking . . . acting . . . reflecting! Finally, you mentioned student disinterest. Do you think this has anything to do with a lack of a big idea. While you learned about Matisse in 4240, you also hopefully associate his work with the big idea of identity.


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